Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Esperanza inconmovible / Unshakable Hope: Edificar nuestras vidas sobre las promesas de Dios / Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

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This world has a tremble to it. Everything on earth is slowly passing away. Do you feel it? Your finances, your job, your family, your personal success-all these things are temporary. It's easy to place our hope in them, but, with one unplanned-for change, they can all crumble. Since the beginning of time, God's relationship to man has been shaped by specific requirements and promises. These covenants are unchangeable decrees that define the outflow of history. Some of the promises are positive, the assurance of blessings. Some of them are negative, the guarantee of consequences. But all the promises are binding, and they can replace your life's crumbling foundation with one that is sure to weather any storm.

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